your Old Toolchain
Into the Future!
Eindhoven Developers Meetup
new Date(2017, 1, 22, 20, 15, 0);
On the menu today
- Toolchains: The Old versus The New
- What we wanted to solve
- Steps we took
- Where we are now
What is the "old" toolchain?
- Backend-first
- Grunt / Gulp
- LESS / SASS by Grunt / Gulp
- AMD (Require.js) or Concatenation
- jQuery like approach
Getting assets
- Get JavaScript from script tags
- Get Stylesheets from link tags
- Get images from img tags
- Require JavaScript files through injection
What is the "new" toolchain?
- Single Page Applications
- Backend is API
- ES6+
- NPM scripts for tasks
- webpack for bundling entry points
- JavaScript as a starting point
Getting assets
- Get JavaScript from script tags
- Webpack tells to include style
- Webpack loads images
- Require JavaScript files through webpack chunks
Why going forward is hard
- Don't know where to start
- Moving over (forgotten) paradigms
- Backend is not supported yet
- You have to figure out everything
- You have a lot of code to manage
Why starting from scratch is easier
- Clean slate
- Freedom
- No legacy
- You can try out everything
- You can adjust your backend to it
- Project is most likely smaller
How the "old" way stinks
- Gets messy really quick
- AMD (Require.js) has better alternatives
- Dependency management is unclear
- Pipeline can be confusing
- Support is getting worse
What we needed to solve at JouwWeb
- Managealbe code base
- ES6+
- ES7 modules + chunks
- Source maps for development
What we needed to solve at JouwWeb
- Make sure old libs keep working
- Adjust as little as possible
- AMD should work too
- Development "watch" mode
- Production output using webpack
- File size
"Don't pounce on every chance to rewrite the world. Refactor little bits as you go. Make it work, first. Then make it right."
- Eric Elliott
Know problems
- What are entry points?
- Source was copied from a weird folder structure
- Backend injects script tags
- Dynamic requires in our code
- We required 3th party libs using
- Some dependencies couldn't be bundled
- Files copied from
using grunt
Set deliverables
Try to ship as little as possible
Steps we took
- Organize code in structure webpack will understand
- Have all our entry points work with webpack
- Introduce Babel
- Solve
- Solve dynamic requires
- Let JavaScript handle injected scripts
- Fix broken "old" libraries
- Have a development "watch" environment
Steps we didn't take
- LESS was still part of the "old"
- Fix our folder structure
- Handle copying of assets
- Make it blazing fast
We created a JavaScript file...
Execute in NPM
// package.json
"scripts": {
"build": "node ./tasks/webpack"
// cli
> npm run build
Organising the structure
Organising the structure
copy to
Make public/assets/js
a "module root" in webpack
const config = {
resolve: {
modules: [
How we made "watch" work
webpack watches
We watch for changes in
Copy all to
webpack reruns
It's not elegant, but effective
Entry points
const config = {
entry: {
'js/initialize': './js/app/initialize',
output: {
path: 'public/assets/',
filename: '[name].js',
// 'public/assets/' + 'js/initialize' + '.js'
// lib/bootstrap.js (AMD style)
function (bootstrap) => { return bootstrap }
// lib/bxslider.js (CommonJS style)
module.exports = require('bxslider-4/dist/jquery.bxslider');
Dynamic module includes
define(['scripts/backend'], function(module) { ... });
function includeModule(name) {
define([name], function(module) { ... });
// somewhere else
function includeModule(name) {
function cb(module) { ... }
switch (name) {
case 'scripts/backend':
require(['scripts/backend'], cb);
case 'scripts/editor':
require(['scripts/editor'], cb);
Injected scripts
What if the backend generates <script />
<script src="assets/js/module-a.js" />
<script src="assets/js/module-b.js" />
window.scripts = ['module-a', 'module-b'];
// in JavaScript
Old dependencies
- Fixed them by hand
- Not really important
- tinymce is a totally different story
What we did later
- Fixed our folder structure
- Got LESS (and other assets) to webpack
- Hot Reloading with webpack dev server
- Able to refactor a lot
Where we want to be
- Single Page Application
- Mostly built on React
- Dynamic route loading
- Drinking beer on a sunny island
Improve your project,
just do it
one little step
at the time.
- Gaya Kessler
For more brain farts check @GayaNinja
(p.s. we're always looking for people, so come chat)