Static Types

in JavaScript

Eindhoven Front-end Meetup

🥵 Hot isn't it?!

JavaScript is a dynamic language

Doesn't really matter what type you use

Plain JS

let name = 'Gaya';
name = 42;


let name: string = 'Gaya';
name = 42; // Type '42' is not assignable to type 'string'.

Describe your functions

function giveName(name: string): string {
  return name;

const name: string = giveName('Gaya');

const fakeName: number = giveName('Gaya');
// Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.

// Argument of type '42' is not assignable
// to parameter of type 'string'.

Makes your code a bit more predictable

If you like Object Oriented programming,

little weird but okay.

you'll like TypeScript.

In a way you're documenting your code

Intellisense / Hinting

Also for installed modules

Works great with frameworks

  • Create React App
  • Vue CLI
  • Next.js

You can define complex stuff

  • Promises and the resolved type
  • Shapes of objects
  • What arguments a callback will be called with

It will make refactoring easier

Some cons

TypeScript is not JavaScript

  • They add their own features
  • .ts and .tsx files

The learning curve is steep

Prepare to use any a lot

I found TypeScript setup to be a pain in the butt

Flow Type was a bit easier

Helps solidify your code

Slows down proof of concepts

So, do I use it?


TypeScript or Flow Type?

TypeScript. Mainly because of popularity

Thanks for Listening

Gaya Kessler

Let's discuss